Welcome to wpi.gay

We're an online community created by WPI students for WPI students, alumni, etc. As with the other student-run communities (e.g., the WPI Discord server) despite not being officially sponsored or endorsed by WPI, we strive to provide a space where anyone affiliated with WPI is welcome to join and connect—we just do so through email (i.e., for anyone looking to step back from social media).


  • 2024-04-06 - wpi.gay launches!

Have questions or want to join wpi.gay?

This site is still very much under construction, so we don't have an official FAQ page yet. As such, if you have any questions, please email us at ops -at- wpi -dot- gay. Similarly, if you would like an account please email us your SSH public key (ideally from your WPI account so we can verify that you are affiliated with the school).