wpi.gay code of conduct

The following is an outline of the code of conduct one must abide by to have and use a wpi.gay account or any services we provide. While not an extensive list (and while changes may be made at any time, so long as you follow these guidelines in good faith, you should be fine. At the end of the day, it is ultimatley up to the discretion of the wpi.gay operations team to determine if there has been a violation of the code of conduct, and, if so, what recourse should be taken (e.g., an account suspension, permanent ban, etc.). Note: as we seek to build a community, any conduct, regardless of if it is directly tied to wpi.gay or not (e.g., actions in real life or other platforms), may be considered a violation of the wpi.gay code of conduct—particularly should it threaten our ability to build a safe and inclusive community.


In short, the spirit of our code of conduct is for you to be a decent person and respectful of others: don't do anything that would put the users of this site at risk (sharing your password, putting malware on it, etc), don't be a bigot, don't do anything illegal, follow the student code of conduct and also follow the .gay TLD rules.

Don't do anything illegal

Do not use wpi.gay to violate your local laws, the laws of the United States, or Germany (where this server is physically located).

Be nice

Given the plethora of pride flags parading the premises of this page if you've gotten this far, this probably won't be a problem; however, nonetheless, it's worth noting that racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia (really any *phobia directed towards people) is completley unacceptable. Treat others as you'd want to be treated, and you should be good.

Be a good internet neighbor

No one likes to get spammed, scammed, have their services broken into, etc. While reaching out to people is fine (and even, to a degree, self-promotion), our goal here is to build a nice and respectable community. Doing anything malicious and doing anything that puts wpi.gay (or anyone using it) at risk is not allowed. A good rule of thumb is that if you're doing something that'd get you on a block list, compromise our security, or make a sysadmin upset, it's probably against our code of conduct.

Be reasonable

This is essentially a passion project we run in our free time, and your use of it should reflect this. For instance, do not put any sensitive PII on wpi.gay (this includes anything you email). Similarly, while we would like to keep wpi.gay going as long as we can, we do not reccomend using it for anything urgent or that you could not otherwise live without.

Follow WPI's Code of Conduct

While we are not sponsored or endorsed by WPI, we still expect people to follow WPI's Code of Conduct. For instance, the Student Code of Conduct and WPI's Code of Business Ethics and Conduct apply to the extent they make sense—regardless of affiliation. For example, Alumni on wpi.gay who otherwise are not upholden to the student code of conduct cannot use wpi.gay to help a student cheat on an assignment—even if the student is not using wpi.gay.

Follow the .gay Top Level Domain (TLD) Code of Conduct

Being a .gay domain we are required to follow the code of conduct of such domains. This should mostly be stuff that's already been covered in our guideline, but please see the exact details here.